
Page values for "World Tags/Alien Ruins"

World Tags/Alien Ruins

"WorldTags" values

NameAlien Ruins
TagTypeNopop Lopop Alien
DescriptionThe world has significant alien ruins present. The locals may or may not permit others to investigate the ruins, and may make it difficult to remove any objects of value without substantial payment. Any surviving ruins with worthwhile salvage almost certainly have some defense or hazard to explain their unplundered state.
EnemiesCustoms inspector, Worshipper of the ruins, Hidden alien survivor
FriendsCurious scholar, Avaricious local resident, Interstellar smuggler
ComplicationsTraps in the ruins, Remote location, Paranoid customs officials
ThingsPrecious alien artifacts, Objects left with the remains of a prior unsuccessful expedition, Untranslated alien texts, Untouched hidden ruins
PlacesUndersea ruin, Orbital ruin, Perfectly preserved alien building, Alien mausoleum