
Abandoned Colony

From Gulf of Fallen Stars

< World TagsWorld Tags/Abandoned Colony
Main > Rules > World Statistics > World Tags > Abandoned Colony
The world once hosted a colony, whether human or otherwise, until some crisis or natural disaster drove the inhabitants away or killed them off. The colony might have been mercantile in nature, an expedition to extract valuable local resources, or it might have been a reclusive cabal of zealots. The remains of the colony are usually in ruins, and might still be dangerous from the aftermath of whatever destroyed it in the first place.
Who might be encountered who opposes the group
  • Crazed survivors
  • Ruthless plunderers of the ruins
  • Automated defense system
Who might offer the group services or missions
  • Inquisitive stellar archaeologist
  • Heir to the colony’s property
  • Local wanting the place cleaned out and made safe
  • Complications:
    How might the situation on the world be more complicated
  • The local government wants the ruins to remain a secret
  • The locals claim ownership of it
  • The colony is crumbling and dangerous to navigate
  • Things:
    What items might be found on the world
  • Long-lost property deeds
  • Relic stolen by the colonists when they left
  • Historical record of the colonization attempt
  • Places:
    What locations might be found on the world
  • Decaying habitation block
  • Vine-covered town square
  • Structure buried by an ancient landslide
  • Tags: Nopop