

Faction Tags

From Gulf of Fallen Stars

Faction tags come in a couple of different types:

  • Assets: This tag grants the faction access to special assets, or has special abilities related to the purchase of assets.
  • Attack: This tag influences the Attack action, whether offensively or defensively.
  • Core: From the core rulebook.
  • Experience: This tag influences experience gained by the faction.
  • FacCred: This tag influences the flow of FacCreds in the faction.
  • Local: This tag says are for faction's which are unlikely to have Bases of Influence or many assets outside of their home world.
  • PlanetaryGov: The faction counts as the Planetary Government for one or more worlds.
  • Prescream: Denotes the faction as having roots preceding the scream.
  • Tech: This tag positively influences the tech level that the faction has access to.

This category uses the form Faction Tag.