
Eugenics Cult

From Gulf of Fallen Stars

< Faction TagsFaction Tags/Eugenics Cult
Main > Rules > Faction Rules > Faction Tags > Eugenics Cult
The forbidden maltech secrets of advanced human genetic manipulation are known to this faction, and they use them with gusto. Slave-engineered humanoids and “deathless” leadership are just two of the more common alterations these unstable scientists undertake.
Effect: Eugenics Cultists can buy the Gengineered Slaves asset; it’s an asset requiring Force 1 with the statistics of 6 HP, 2 FacCred cost, tech level 4 required, with an Attack of Force vs. Force/1d6 damage and a Counterattack of 1d4 damage. Once per turn, the Eugenics Cult can roll an extra d10 on an attack or defense by a Gengineered Slaves asset, regardless of the stat being used. Gengineered Slaves can count as either a Military Unit or Special Forces, determined when the cult first creates a specific asset.
Who leads the faction
  • The ancient deathless ruler bound to his life-support chair
  • A clone of the original founder of the cult
  • An eternally young and physically perfect wunderkind
What are some universal laws or beliefs in the faction
  • The secrets of the cult are for its members only
  • All gengineered slaves must be accompanied by a handler
  • Gengineered slaves are for sale to outside factions
  • All uses of gengineering is reviewed by an internal ethics board
  • Enemies:
    Which person inside the faction might oppose the group
  • Scientist obsessed about getting a gene-sample
  • Noble sponsor of the cult using it to take out his enemies
  • Genegineered slave sergeants designed more intelligent and independent than his kin
  • Opposition:
    What forces might engage the group in combat
  • A squad of gengineered soldiers perfected for combat
  • A gengineered assassin with poisonous blood
  • An extraction squad seeking to acquire a rare gene-sample
  • Obstacles:
    How might the faction inconvenience the group
  • A virus that renders people with a specific genetic pattern incapacitated
  • A clone under the cult's control used to incriminate the original
  • Local official who owes his daugher's life to the cult
  • Friends:
    Who might offer the group services or missions
  • Brilliant genetec doctor able to both cure and enhance her patients
  • Moderate member of the faction seeking allies against its more radical members
  • Complications:
    How might negotiations be complicated
  • People unwilling to accept some "perfectly harmless and beneficial" genetic improvements must be bigots that cannot be negotiated with
  • Gene-samples are required in order to enter into a working relationship
  • Genetic tinkering has inflicted their leadership with some.. interesting mental quirks
  • Missions:
    What missions might the faction offer
  • Acquire a gene-sample from an enemy of the faction
  • Acquire a gene-sample from an ferocious predator on a death-world
  • Provide a distraction while gengineered slaves are smuggled into a location
  • Serve as proxies in a negotiation with a faction that refuses to negotiate directly with maltech practitioners
  • Things:
    What items might have relation to the faction
  • A gene-sample of an important faction leader
  • A permanent cure against aging
  • Six artificial wombs with the newest gengineered soldier models
  • A scanner gun allowing you to read gene-sequences from a distance
  • Places:
    Where might the faction take you
  • A hidden underground lab filled with gengineering machinery
  • A warehouse serving as a secret safehouse in a major city
  • The hexagonal meeting room where the leaders of the faction discuss their plans
  • Tags: Assets, Core