

From Gulf of Fallen Stars

< Faction TagsFaction Tags/Scavengers
Main > Rules > Faction Rules > Faction Tags > Scavengers
This faction might live within the wreckage of a tomb world, salvage the castoffs of some decadent pleasure-world or ply the ruins of an orbital scrapyard. Whatever their territory, this faction knows how to find worth amid seemingly useless trash.
Effect: Whenever the faction destroys an asset or has one of their assets destroyed, they gain 1 FacCred.
Who leads the faction
  • Charismatic captain with scrap peg leg
  • Profit-oriented CO in company uniform
  • Cutthroat looter with a dog-eat-dog mindset
What are some universal laws or beliefs in the faction
  • No illegal salvage operations
  • Finders keepers
  • The boss gets a percentage of every salvage
  • This specific salvage field belongs to the faction
  • Enemies:
    Which person inside the faction might oppose the group
  • Ornery captain of salvage rig
  • Big buff salvage operator
  • Salvage team coordinator with a knife to grind
  • Opposition:
    What forces might engage the group in combat
  • Salvage team armed with personal weapons
  • Hastily assembled strike force of the best fighters available locally
  • Improvised weapon from scavenged junk utilized to devastating effect
  • Obstacles:
    How might the faction inconvenience the group
  • Strips the group's ship for parts
  • Suddenly active mines / defense platforms
  • Plants an illegal item and informs the authorities
  • Friends:
    Who might offer the group services or missions
  • Mechanic looking for someone to test her experimental mods
  • Quartermaster handling the buying and selling of junk and supplies
  • Ace pilot stuck piloting a salvage barge
  • Complications:
    How might negotiations be complicated
  • You need money up front before they will even speak to you
  • The guy you want to talk to is out on a salvage mission
  • They'll give you what you want.. in exchange for that android
  • Missions:
    What missions might the faction offer
  • Open the way to a piece of salvage the faction can't reach
  • Handle another faction that is encroaching on the salvager's turf
  • Cause a ship to crash so it can be salvaged
  • Things:
    What items might have relation to the faction
  • An industrial exoskeleton spacesuit modified for salvage operations
  • Pretech spike drive hauled from the wreck of a cruiser
  • Pandora's box; closed
  • Valuable wreck with the markings of a powerful faction
  • Places:
    Where might the faction take you
  • Inside a wreck with no functional light or life support
  • A meeting room made mostly from scrap parts
  • A salvage rig attached to something it shouldn't be
  • Aboard a starship being boarded
  • Tags: Core, FacCred