

From Gulf of Fallen Stars

< Faction TagsFaction Tags/Theocratic
Main > Rules > Faction Rules > Faction Tags > Theocratic
The faction is fueled by the fierce certainty that God is with them- and with no one else. The tight and occasionally irrational obedience that pervades the organization makes it difficult to infiltrate or subvert effectively.
Effect: Once per turn, this faction can roll an extra d10 when defending against a Cunning attack.
Who leads the faction
  • Rabid doom-spouting high priest
  • Elderly good Samaritan and statesman
  • Charismatic prophet with own personal harem
What are some universal laws or beliefs in the faction
  • All priests must live in poverty
  • A local tithe is claimed by the church
  • Blasphemy is punishable with prison sentences
  • Enemies:
    Which person inside the faction might oppose the group
  • Crooked cardinal desiring an item in your possession
  • Fanatic priest dedicated to purging heretics
  • Highly skilled inquisitor for crimes against the church
  • Opposition:
    What forces might engage the group in combat
  • Rioting mob of adherents
  • Church militia armed and trained as well as any military
  • Paladins in power armor
  • Obstacles:
    How might the faction inconvenience the group
  • The faithful boycott the enemy
  • Excommunication
  • Local leaders do not wish to offend the church and thus refuse to interact with the enemy
  • The church leverage actual supernatural powers against the enemy
  • Friends:
    Who might offer the group services or missions
  • Local village priest always willing to lend an ear
  • Inquisitor hunting down genuine bad guys
  • Scholarly monk specializing in pre-scream archeology
  • Complications:
    How might negotiations be complicated
  • The constant proselytizing is a bit enervating
  • They take offense at a bit of accidental casual blasphemy
  • A few donations are expected
  • Missions:
    What missions might the faction offer
  • Recover a stolen relic which has disappeared into the criminal underworld
  • Transport a team of missionaries to a savage world and keep them safe
  • Recover an unfortunate video depicting a high-ranking priest
  • Things:
    What items might have relation to the faction
  • Holy book with three pages ripped out
  • Ceremonial weapon but still deadly
  • Holy symbol with secret compartment
  • The preserved big toe of the third prophet
  • Places:
    Where might the faction take you
  • A massive cathedral under construction
  • The private office of the high priest
  • Soup kitchen
  • In the streets during a religious festival
  • Tags: Attack, Core