

From Gulf of Fallen Stars

< Faction TagsFaction Tags/Corporation
Main > Rules > Faction Rules > Faction Tags > Corporation
This faction is an organization created for the sole purpose of creating profit for its shareholders. It is a beast that follows its own laws, independent of the wishes of any individual; expanding, growing and consuming to fulfill that purpose.
Effect: Purchasing a Wealth asset costs one fewer FacCred than normal (minimum one), or two fewer FacCreds if it would usually cost 12 FacCreds or more.
Who leads the faction
  • Elderly steely-eyed patriarch
  • Slick smooth talker of indeterminable age
  • Slightly fat businessman stressed by his workload
  • The real guiding force is the mainframe AI
What are some universal laws or beliefs in the faction
  • Illegal actions by employees is handled internally
  • The faction's activities follow ethical guidelines
  • Joining a union is a firing offense
  • Enemies:
    Which person inside the faction might oppose the group
  • Underling looking to use the PCs as catspaws
  • Industrial saboteur working for a rival
  • Executive who hates "destabilizing" far traders
  • Opposition:
    What forces might engage the group in combat
  • Donut-munching rent-a-cops
  • Heavily armed Heavy Threat Response team
  • Black ops loss prevention squad
  • Obstacles:
    How might the faction inconvenience the group
  • All affiliates (space ports; gun stores; refueling stations) are closed to the group
  • The faction tanks the group's credit rating
  • Privatized police forces are on the lookout for the group
  • Friends:
    Who might offer the group services or missions
  • Low-level employee who can pull an impressive amount of strings
  • Enthusiastic corporate researcher who is always looking for new willing test subjects
  • Corporate Johnson looking for long-term assets
  • Complications:
    How might negotiations be complicated
  • Nobody has the authority to authorize what you want
  • Inter-departmental rivalries complicate things
  • Accepting the mission also involves signing a 500-page contract
  • The contract has a lot of small print
  • Missions:
    What missions might the faction offer
  • Acquire a piece of R&D
  • Make a journalist disappear
  • Transport an important cargo (while actually being a red herring)
  • Things:
    What items might have relation to the faction
  • The newest cyberarm model
  • 600 exabytes of very important paperwork
  • Video footage from catastrophic industrial accident
  • Private corporate spy satellite
  • Places:
    Where might the faction take you
  • Office at top of skyscraper with a panoramic view of the city
  • Corporate lab with restricted access
  • Cubicle farm
  • Behind a billboard advertising the faction's products
  • Tags: Assets, Homebrew