
Psychic Academy

From Gulf of Fallen Stars

< Faction TagsFaction Tags/Psychic Academy
Main > Rules > Faction Rules > Faction Tags > Psychic Academy
Most significant factions are capable of employing psychics, but this faction can actually train their own. They excel at precise and focused application of the psionic disciplines, and can get far more out of their available psychic resources than other factions.
Effect: This faction can provide psionic mentor training to qualified psychics. Once per turn, this faction can also force a rival faction to reroll any one d10, whether or not they’re involved in the roll.
Who leads the faction
  • Manipulative telepath using every means to protect the academy
  • Big-hearted biopsionic seeing the academy as a public good
  • Plans-within-plans oracle seeking power
What are some universal laws or beliefs in the faction
  • Illegal psionics is punishable by death enforced by the academy
  • Every student must have a monetary patron and a psychic guarantor
  • Disagreements can be settled through psychic duels
  • Every student receives an obligatory in-depth course on law
  • Enemies:
    Which person inside the faction might oppose the group
  • Corrupt telepathy instructor
  • Renegade student with high-up connections
  • Researcher of biopsionics seeking lab rats
  • Opposition:
    What forces might engage the group in combat
  • Psychic assassins
  • Psychic soldiers
  • Indentured non-psychic soldiers
  • Obstacles:
    How might the faction inconvenience the group
  • Oracles predict and counter the enemy's moves
  • Factions that depend on the academy's services are pressured to intervene
  • Telepaths keep the enemy under observation reading their minds
  • Friends:
    Who might offer the group services or missions
  • Hands-on teacher of telekinesis
  • Slightly deranged researcher of teleportation
  • Barely trained metapsychic student
  • Complications:
    How might negotiations be complicated
  • The local natives hate the academy
  • The academy is part of a religion
  • Petitioners without powers are looked down upon
  • Missions:
    What missions might the faction offer
  • Travel to a tombworld and acquire a pretech piece of psitech
  • Help a telekinetic enforcer bring a renegade to justice
  • Uncover information about a faction seeking to dismantle the academy
  • Things:
    What items might have relation to the faction
  • Psitech headband worn by the academy's master
  • Datadisk containing the lesson plans for the teleportation course
  • Stun rifle and accompanying uniform worn by academy guards
  • Papers declaring the holder a certified psychic under local law
  • Places:
    Where might the faction take you
  • The telekinetic training grounds
  • Experimental metapsychic laboratory
  • Forbidden section of the academy library
  • Neighborhood bar frequented by the seniors
  • Tags: Core