
Page values for "World Tags/Local Tech"

World Tags/Local Tech

"WorldTags" values

NameLocal Tech
TagTypeLopop Trade
DescriptionThe locals can create a particular example of extremely high tech, possibly even something that exceeds pretech standards. They may use unique local resources to do so, or have stumbled on a narrow scientific breakthrough, or still have a functional experimental manufactory.
EnemiesKeeper of the tech, Offworld industrialist, Automated defenses that suddenly come alive, Native alien mentors
FriendsCurious offworld scientist, Eager tech buyer, Native in need of technical help
ComplicationsThe tech is unreliable, The tech only works on this world, The tech has poorly-understood side effects, The tech is alien in nature.
ThingsThe tech itself, An unclaimed payment for a large shipment, The secret blueprints for its construction, An ancient alien R&D database
PlacesAlien factory, Lethal R&D center, Tech brokerage vault