
Page values for "World Tags/Out of Contact"

World Tags/Out of Contact

"WorldTags" values

NameOut of Contact
DescriptionThe natives have been entirely out of contact with the greater galaxy for centuries or longer. Perhaps the original colonists were seeking to hide from the rest of the universe, or the Silence destroyed any means of communication. It may have been so long that human origins on other worlds have regressed into a topic for legends. The players might be on the first offworld ship to land since the First Wave of colonization a thousand years ago.
EnemiesFearful local ruler, Zealous native cleric, Sinister power that has kept the world isolated
FriendsScheming native noble, Heretical theologian, UFO cultist native
ComplicationsAutomatic defenses fire on ships that try to take off, The natives want to stay out of contact, The natives are highly vulnerable to offworld diseases, The native language is completely unlike any known to the group
ThingsAncient pretech equipment, Terran relic brought from Earth, Logs of the original colonists
PlacesLong-lost colonial landing site, Court of the local ruler, Ancient defense battery controls