
Page values for "World Tags/Primitive"

World Tags/Primitive

"WorldTags" values

TagTypeLotech Trade
DescriptionThe world is technologically primitive. Their societies may be quite sophisticated in cultural, artistic, or aesthetic terms, but they lack the raw materials or expertise to move past the muscle-powered stages of technology. Few such worlds can support centralized governments or large numbers of non-farming specialists, and social organization tends to be oriented toward stability and survival. Far traders who can bring in tech to unlock formerly-inaccessible resource deposits or jumpstart an industrial base can unleash drastic changes on these worlds. The natives often lack the experience to recognize these impending changes before their world has transformed around them.
AuthoritiesConfused local autocrat, Unrelentingly hidebound guildmaster, Local official with wildly inflated expectations about far traders, Local grandee unable to understand that her authority is not universal
EnemiesOfficial privately determined to drive the offworlders away, Local crime boss desperate to steal offworld goods, Local demagogue bent on extorting the offworlders, Far trader who really dislikes competition
ComplicationsA local priestess has cynically duped the locals into thinking her far trader partners are holy figures, The world is on the cusp of an explosively disruptive industrial revolution, The locals are Luddites for a reason that is or was rational, The last far trader to come through left chaos in his wake
ThingsColony-era pretech parts that are useless to the locals, Amazingly refined art or liquors, Exquisitely-bred and trained warbeasts, Papers proving ownership of local serfs or slaves
RegulationsOffworld tech use is restricted to the native elite, Tech use is relegated to a tightly-policed underclass of laborers, Tech use is permitted only after dangerous purification rites, Tech use is considered a declaration of rebellion