
Page values for "World Tags/Ringworld"

World Tags/Ringworld

"WorldTags" values

DescriptionThis world is a ringworld, a gigantic artificial ring circling a star, created in the time of the Mandate. The Ringworld has a habitable, flat inner surface (equivalent in area to approximately three million Earths) and was constructed with a breathable atmosphere and a temperature optimal for humans. Night is provided by an inner ring of shadow squares which are connected to each other by thin, ultra-strong wire. Though many ruins exist on the surface, most inhabitants died off during the scream, and only a single significant population remain, regressed to a pre-industrial state due to the lack of locally available fossil fuels. However, new colonists would easily be able to tap into vast amounts of power collected by the ring's solar collectors.
EnemiesTerrorist aiming to destabilize the ring, Xenophobic locals, Outsiders seeking to claim the ring for themselves
FriendsFriendly local, Preceptor Adept missionary seeking to make the ring fully operational, Open-minded colonists from neighboring system
ComplicationsOrbit of the ringworld is unstable and it will crash into the sun in 100 years, The defense systems of the ringworld are still active, The AI controlling the ring is still active and quite unstable, Multiple societies live on the ring and are hostile to each other, The ring was created as a prison and that which was imprisoned is still there
ThingsPretech computer systems important to the functioning of the ringworld, Grail supplying the local populace with food and clothing, Pretech salvage in the ruins, Chieftain's staff topped with control room command key
PlacesForest wilderness several million miles long, Top of artificial mountain almost peaking above the rim of the ring, Control room hidden inside the rim, Ruins of city from before the scream, Vast shallow ocean with tropical islands for millions of kilometers, Energy collection station, Crashed capital class ship, Forgotten archive that stretches for thousands of kilometers