
Page values for "World Tags/Societal Despair"

World Tags/Societal Despair

"WorldTags" values

NameSocietal Despair
DescriptionThe world’s dominant society has lost faith in itself. Whether through some all-consuming war, great catastrophe, overwhelming outside culture, or religious collapse, the natives no longer believe in their old values, and search desperately for something new. Fierce conflict often exists between the last believers in the old dispensation and the nihilistic or searching disciples of the new age.
EnemiesZealot who blames outsiders for the decay, Nihilistic warlord, Offworlder looking to exploit the local despair
FriendsStruggling messenger of a new way, Valiant paragon of a fading tradition, Local going through the motions of serving a now-irrelevant role
ComplicationsA massive war discredited all the old values, Outside powers are working to erode societal confidence for their own benefit, A local power is profiting greatly from the despair, The old ways were meant to aid survival on this world and their passing is causing many new woes
ThingsRelic that would inspire a renaissance, Art that would inspire new ideas, Priceless artifact of a now-scorned belief
PlacesEmpty temple, Crowded den of obliviating vice, Smoky hall full of frantic speakers