
Page values for "World Tags/Sole Supplier"

World Tags/Sole Supplier

"WorldTags" values

NameSole Supplier
TagTypeLopop Trade
DescriptionSome extremely important resource is exported from this world and this world alone. It’s unlikely that the substance is critical for building spike drives unless this world is also the first to begin interstellar flight, but it may be critical to other high-tech processes or devices. The locals make a large amount of money off this trade and control of it is of critical importance to the planet’s rulers, and potentially to outside powers.
EnemiesResource oligarch, Ruthless smuggler, Resource-controlling warlord, Foreign agent seeking to subvert local government
FriendsDoughty resource miner, Researcher trying to synthesize the stuff, Small-scale resource producer, Harried starport trade overseer
ComplicationsThe substance is slow poison to process, The substance is created by hostile alien natives, The substance is very easy to smuggle in usable amounts, Only the natives have the genes or tech to extract it effectively
ThingsCache of processed resource, Trade permit to buy a load of it, A shipment of nigh-undetectably fake substance
PlacesBustling resource extraction site, Opulent palace built with resource money, Lazy town square where everyone lives on resource payments