

From Gulf of Fallen Stars

Revision as of 15:28, 10 May 2020 by Dice adm (talk | contribs)
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  • Trans-Medusa Tech: From Age of the Mandate (Abydos)
  • Psyker Wars: The true origins of the Knights of Discordia is lost to history, their first appearance on the stage being when they joined the Free Polities in the early years of the second Psyker War. They had clearly been genetically altered to be perfect physical specimens, ranking high in strength, endurance, vigilance and with an array of pretech genetic protections against disease and hardship. With equipment provided by The New Dawn, they formed the spearhead in many of the offensives of the second and third Psyker Wars. After their participation of the destruction of the Selket Spire, bringing an end to the war, they were gifted their own planet and retired from violence.
  • Shadows of London: A neat gazette style. I can steal the way it presents people, organizations, etc.
  • Random Government Names/Types
Teutates: Bandit Commune (300M, TL3+)

Bellerophon: Megacorporation Gov (10B, TL4), Deceptive, Fashion, Urbanized Surface
Dopere: Theocratic Dictatorship (800M, TL4+), Closed, Taboo Treasure, Tyranny
Hestia: Representative Democracy (1B/3B, TL4), Dying, Restricted, Revolutionaries
Salawa: Theocratic Republic (9B, TL4), Doomed World, Local Tech, Panopticon

Algid: Megacorps
Awasis: Megacorps
Bellerophon: Megacorp Gov
Nehalennia: Megacorps, Martial Empire (Shackled by Verbena as a potential competitor)
Tartarus: Megacorp Gov/Dead

Dopere: Theocratic Dictatorship
Hawaiki: Theocratic Oligarchy
Hiisi: Theocracy Tag, Theocratic Republic
Olympus: Theocratic Republic
Pirx: Theocratic Republic
Salawa: Theocratic Republic

Dimidiym: Sectarians
Olympus: Holy War
Tsovinar: Pilgrimage Site
Worlorn: Pilgrimage Site

Dust: Cultural Power
Yemaja: Preceptor Archive
  • Drones with primitive VI, slaved to follow a person around
    • Mule-style porter drones
    • Battery drones for seriously heavy weapons
    • Heavy weapon emplacement drones
    • Shield drones, with actual physical shields that interpose themselves between master and enemy
    • Gun drones that fire at targets when given command by master

Remember to pick out some images and base worlds around them:
Star Citizen Images Pinterest Environments Pinterest Colony Pinterest Settlement And your stash of Stars without Number art

Creature Concepts

Extra World Data

Add nebulas to map


  • Type (Red, Orange, Etc)
  • Binary/Trinary
  • Black hole/Neutron Star/steal from stellaris


  • Type(?): Rocky, Frozen, Hadean, Gaia
  • Distance from Star
  • Diameter
  • Gravity
  • Temp: 66C (12C/120C) (is there a better way to show temperature across a world)
  • Climate: Arid (Temperate/Infernal)
  • Atmosphere: 0.06atm, Unbreathable, Trace(Vacc Suit) (Add composition?: Oxygen, Hydrogen, Sulphuric Acid)
  • Trade Goods: Actual trade goods being traded and untapped resources (from dead worlds, or from low-tech worlds, or goods not being exploited for some other reason).
  • Hydrosphere
  • Biosphere / Native Lifeforms
  • Native Sophonts
  • Law Level
  • Factions
  • Spaceport(s)
  • Tech Level
  • World Military
  • World Economy
    • Trade
    • Trade routes to other worlds
  • Urbanization
  • World Infrastructure