

From Gulf of Fallen Stars

Main > Worlds > Zirmeter
Name Zirmeter
Sector Anansi
Coordinates 0920
Tags Oceanic World, Dying
Atmosphere Breathable Mix
Temperature Warm
Biosphere Miscible
Population 80000
Phenotype Tsovinan
TechLevel TL4-
LivingStandard Poor
Description Cities float on the endless ocean waves, making a living from fishing, underseas mineral extraction and other ocean industries. The world is divided between a number of clans, each headed by an Inkosi who maintains power through his control of the military forces. Though the leadership is despotic, most citizens are loyal to the clan, and thankful for the protection the Inkosi provides against other clans, and the leaders in turn tend to be benevolent. The tenets of the local culture and religion means that the general population is downright pacifistic, with violence being reserved for the military and the criminal Ubuzalwane organization.

The clans are extremely insular, and even though they accept outside traders, as a rule they are exploited ruthlessly. Outsiders won’t ever be “real” members of any clan.

Authorities Jabu, the local Inkosi who is clamping down on civil rights and keeping a close eye on outsiders. Gwala, customs official split between loyalty to the Inkosi and a chance to get off-world.
Enemies Thathani, ruthless Ubuzalwane member ready to do absolutely anything to get her loved ones away. Sindisiwe, peace officer waiting for the outsiders to slip up so she can confiscate their ship.
Friends Busiso, a priest seeking charitable souls who will help organize a major off-world evacuation. Thulani, scientist who believes she may be able to create a force field to protect the planet, but not without a massive input of material and human resources.
Complications Valuable goods are held by trader who wants his family off-world. Pacifist mob crowds around the ship, seeking passage off-world. Rising food prices as fishing starts to fail.
Things Cold sleep pods for hundreds of infants. Cages with two of each animal that will soon be rendered extinct. Post-tech cooling systems that will allow a few thousand people to persist inside domed settlements.
Places Heavily guarded, floating shipyard producing starships incapable of reaching any known habitable planet. The sweltering hot deck of an industrial fishing trawler. A secret meeting in a backroom with the stench of sweat in the air.
Regulations Outsiders are unprotected by local laws.