
Sector Creation

From Gulf of Fallen Stars

Main > Rules > Sector Creation

Place the Stars

The standard sector map is a grid of hexagons 8 wide by 10 high, with hex templates easily acquired from the net.

Number of Stars: Roll 1d10 and add 20 to determine the total number of stars in the sector, or simply choose a number that suits.

Placement of Stars: For the first twenty or so stars, roll 1d8 and 1d10 together to determine the column and row in which to place the star. If the hex is already occupied, place it adjacent in the direction of the nearest edge.

Once you’ve placed the randomly-positioned stars, add the remainder to connect any stellar clumps or groupings.

Generate Worlds

World Creation

Trade Routes

Only planets with spike drives form trade routes.

Trade assets are million-plus-population planets, planets trading TL5 technology or planets with good trade tags (mining, entertainment, luxury, tourism).

Trade Stops: If a planet merely serves as a stop on the way to a trade asset, calculate trade route strength as normal for that other trade asset, and then increase strength by one (Example: Bellerophon(10B population) creates a trade route to Verbena(TL5) 2 hexes away (yellow route). However, Sputnik station provides a stopping point midway between the two, making it instead a green route.)

Controlled Systems: Decrease route strengths through them by 1, unless the world is a major trading power.

Controlled Worlds: Decrease route strengths to them by 1, unless the world is a major trading power.

  • 1-hex jump
    • Population: Billions -> Nearby trade assets = Green
    • TL5 -> Nearby trade assets = Green
    • Population: Millions -> Nearby trade assets = Yellow
    • Population: Thousands -> Nearby trade assets = Red
  • 2-hex jump
    • Population: Billions -> Nearby trade assets = Yellow
    • TL5 -> Nearby trade assets = Yellow
    • Population: Millions -> Nearby trade assets = Yellow
    • Population: Thousands -> Nearby trade assets = Red
  • 3-hex jump
    • Population: Billions -> Nearby trade assets = Red
    • TL5 -> Nearby trade assets = Red
    • Population: Millions -> Nearby trade assets = Red

All worlds have a red connection to at least one world, unless they are specifically a restricted system or world.

Along the route from a leyline/wormhole gate to the Tannhauser Gate, all route strengths are increased by one (representing Leviathan trade/tribute).