

From Gulf of Fallen Stars

Main > Worlds > Discordia
Name Discordia
Sector Anansi
Coordinates 1118
Tags Former Warriors, Fractious
Atmosphere Breathable mix
Temperature Cold
Biosphere Microbial
Population 70000
Phenotype Discordian
TechLevel TL3+
LivingStandard Common

When the Psyker Wars ended, the Knights of Discordia mercenary company received a planet as payment for their services, and renamed it for their goddess. Seeking a simpler life, they forswore violence and advanced technology for a simple life as farmers and craftsmen.

Though the planet has no natural plant or animal life, in the years since the war the mountain valleys that the Discordians inhabit have planted with hardy grasses, pines and other plants, as well as the farms of gene-gineered grain along the bottom of the valleys. Summers on Discordia are short, and the winters harsh, but this seems to be the way the Discordians prefer it, spending their winter evenings in front of fireplaces telling stories of events old and fictional.

Economically the Discordians are mostly self-sufficent, but have a thriving cottage industry with hothouses growing plants for TL4 medical drugs as well as recreational drugs. Foreign traders are not uncommon, though the Discordians also possess two Free Trader vessels with which the trade with the surrounding systems. Though their drugs are not any better than what one can acquire in other TL4 systems, they have established a rustic and naturalistic brand which make their products an easy sale.

On the home front, while physically non-violent, politically and theologically the Discordian settlements are a hot-bed. Discordian religion holds that there must always be an opposing argument, and if a group of Discordians find that they agree on a subject, soon at least one will find at least one point on which their disagree. While debaters will fiercely defend a stance, outsiders might note that as soon as the debate is over, the participants will freely abandon their stance for the winning side.

Though this should not be taken to mean that here are not subjects on which the Discordians do disagree. While originally uniformly democratic, a decade ago during an internal legal crisis the eastern settlements decided to unite under the dictator Sophia Blake. The rest of the Discordians view this choice as somewhat blasphemous, and relations between the two sides are growing increasingly ugly, though still entirely without physical violence. This in addition to many lesser ways in which the Discordians vehemently disagree on issues of politics, moral philosophy and the tenets of Discordia.

History The true origins of the Knights of Discordia is lost to history, their first appearance on the stage being when they joined the Free Polities in the early years of the second Psyker War. They had clearly been genetically altered to be perfect physical specimens, ranking high in strength, endurance, vigilance and with an array of pretech genetic protections against disease and hardship. With equipment provided by The New Dawn, they formed the spearhead in many of the offensives of the second and third Psyker Wars.

After their participation of the destruction of the Selket Spire, bringing an end to the war, they were gifted their own planet and retired from violence.

Authorities Sophia Blake, dictator and settler of legal disputes. Mason Gul, elected mayor of the local settlement. Cyrus Smith, trade negotiator for the settlement.
Enemies William Akhtar, fighting against recreational drugs as they dull the mind. Cy Gul, member of the underground, non-pacifist Resurrection movement. Jayden Smith, eternal devil's advocate.
Friends Emily Tailor, bubbly hothouse gardner. Jasmine Williams, seeking excitement and adventure offworld. Ava Akhtar, ranger working on the introduction of animal species into the man-made Discordian forests.
Complications A person disagrees for the sake of disagreeing. A snow storm is blowing in. Player's must take a stand on a philosophical issue. A situation might erupt into actual violence.
Things A copy of the Principia Discordia. Four hundred doses of grade A Discordian psychotropic drugs. A golden apple used as decoration.
Places Cozy living room with wooden furniture and a fireplace. On a mountain slope surrounded by snow and pine trees. A sealed, underground hangar filled with antique weapons and combat vehicles from The New Dawn. A hothouse where the plants give the air a funky. White, sterile gene-gineering lab.
Regulations No physical violence on pain of banishment. No sale of weapons or other instruments of violence. Each person is free to do as they will, as long as they hurt no other person.