
Worlds/Ram Setu

From Gulf of Fallen Stars

Main > Worlds > Ram Setu
Name Ram Setu
Sector Anansi
Coordinates 1514
Tags Badlands World, Gold Rush, Heavy Mining
Atmosphere Corrosive
Temperature Warm
Biosphere Microbial
Population 800000
Phenotype Mixed
TechLevel TL3+
LivingStandard Common
Description Ram Setu is infected with an anomalous maltech nanobot infestation that permeates the air and ground of the world. Deep underground they manipulate the world's magnetic field, disrupting the processes necessary for many TL4 technologies. Technology that depends on miniaturized fusion (such as most modern spacecraft) or field manipulation (such as plasma weaponry, shear rifles and force fields) fail disastrously if turned on inside Ram Setu's atmosphere. This is known as the Okafor Field. The nanobots closer to the surface and in the air are actively hostile to life, to the point where it will try to dig through inanimate matter to destroy it. It shows as a grey-green slime that manifests on surfaces that it is trying to eat through, and is known locally as Sludge. It eats biological matter in seconds, but takes up to half and hour for locally-built space suits, and longer yet for vehicles and facilities.

Thus, until recently, Ram Setu was abandoned. That was until brilliant scientist Ime Okafor returned three decades ago from the world, with a cargo hold full of precious metals and the methods to conquer this world.

Okafor's surveys showed that the activities of the nanobots have pushed many precious metals from the deep mantle towards the surface, making the upper crust incredibly rich. This would not matter, if she had not also found ways to overcome the hostile nature of the world.

The first step for visitor's to Ram Setu, is the massive Shango Station situated in an orbit outside of Ram Setu's magnetic influence. From there one can board space vessels created using technology unaffected by the Okafor Field, and descend to the surface below. The settlements of Ram Setu are built deep below ground, accessed by shafts containing multiple airlocks. The settlements and shafts always contain a higher pressure than the planet's atmosphere, to expel any Sludge that might try to breach the facilities.

Deep below ground the settlements do not attract Sludge from the surface, and the amount of nanobots in the rock of the planet is finite. Establishing a new base is a fight against Sludge excreting from the very rock to tear down the new facility, but after a few weeks the rock exhausts its supply of nanobots and the location becomes safe. As the settlements dig mines into the surrounding rocks, new Sludge is exposed, but as long as proper precautions are taken, the problem is manageable. And the riches uncovered are well worth the expenses.

Over the past three decades, half million people people have emigrated to Ram Setu, first for the mining opportunities, but then to support the vast amounts of people on the surface. Another three hundred thousand live aboard Shango Station, providing high-tech support, and serving as a way station for cargo vessels transporting the ores, as well as other trade vessels now that Shango has become a major trade hub.

Ime Okafor holds significant influence on the world, continuing to explore the world and refining her methods of survival. However, overall the world is a direct democracy, using electronic voting to settle on matters. Most issues are handled locally, with each settlement being its own little polity. Shango station has slowly drifted into deciding most policies of external trade and defense, which is slowly creating some political unrest between them and the settlements below.

History Two hundred years ago, Ram Setu was a thriving Gaia world, rising to be a regional hegemony. Then the world was struck by a maltech weapon. Who did it is discussed to this day, but the result was the destruction of the world. The nanobots released created the Okafor Field and the Sludge, and most of the billion inhabitants died before managing to escape the world.

Though the world focuses mostly exclusively on mining, the ruined cities of Ram Setu still stand on the surface, though the concentrations of nanobots in those locations causes the Sludge to be especially fierce. It is also known that the planet had a global subterranean hyperloop network. Ime Okafor has visited a few access points to the network, and declared it best avoided for now.

Authorities Ime Okafor, brilliant scientist and founder. Bukar Lawal, dockmaster on Shango Station's eastern docks. Kayin Adebayo, the local habitat's infrastructure administrator and de-facto leader.
Enemies Simisola Lawal, trader competing for the same cargo. Dorota Florianova, foreign saboteur seeking to stop Ram Setu's growing merchantile influence. Dzhamirza Usamov, prospector convinced that the group is seeking to jump his claim.
Friends Ime Okafor, brilliant scientist and explorer of Ram Setu's surface. Gyorfy Katinka, mining crew boss. Yakubu Azikiwe, scavenger looking for a big score in the ruins.
Complications Sludge eating through your space suit. Unexpected amounts of Sludge threaten to break out of a mine tunnel into the settlement. A problem that would be trivial with high-tech gear. The locals bring the players' situation up to a vote.
Things Metallic spray used to rebuild surfaces damaged by Sludge. Local space suit, heavily damaged. Three pallets of platinum bars. Cultural artifact from before the catastrophe. Evidence in an old computer system of what happened on the day of the catastrophe.
Places Observation deck on Shango Station. A rock outcropping over a life-less, grey-green plain stretching to the horizon. "Safe" mine tunnel with miners in the local heavy space suits. Sludge-infested street of a ruined metropolis.
Regulations Any person can claim any location on the planet by building their own settlement. Technology that would be affected by Okafor's Field is illegal in most settlements. Bringing Sludge into a settlement, intentionally or unintentionally, faces stiff penalties.