
Page values for "Faction Tags/All-Seeing"

Faction Tags/All-Seeing

"FactionTags" values

TagTypeAsset Attack Homebrew
DescriptionThis faction has eyes and informants everywhere, uncovering enemies and information either for their own ends or as a service to others.
EffectMay pay 1 FacCred to reveal a random stealthed asset on a world where the All-Seeing faction has an asset or BOI. May continue to do so as long as funding is available. If no stealthed asset is present, the creds are still spent. In addition, at the start of each of its turns; on any world that the All-Seeing faction has an Informers asset present, it will automatically learn if there are any stealthed assets present on that world.
LeadersHard-eyed CEO of security company, Spy agency head who will do anything in service to the state, Grand deacon of the tech-cult of the Panopticon
EnemiesThe controller for a large group of informants and spies, Traitor leaking the faction's secrets to another faction, Seductress with a grudge, Arrogant James Bond-type spy
UnitsStrike team that knows exactly where the group is hiding, Special agent with the complete dossier on his target, Security team with prescient knowledge of the group's movements
FriendsSympathetic spy in need of assistance, Compromised informer out of her depth, Panopticon technician able to tap into the system, Desk jockey with access to a wealth of information
ComplicationsBlackmail is used to improve the faction's bargaining position, They want some information of their own in return for what they supply, They do not believe information that does not match their own, They know everything about you
ObstaclesEvery cargo that the group might desire is bought up by competitors, The group's hideout is revealed to their enemies, Vulnerable character is subjected to blackmail considering a well-hidden secret, Faction precogs counter the group's every move
MissionsExtract an agent that has been caught, Steal a piece of information from a tightly guarded facility, Stop the enemy threatening to leak a list of all the faction's agents, Eliminate a politician threatening to cut their funding
ThingsMicro-scale audio-bug planted on your jumpsuit collar, Data disc with blackmail that could topple a government, Crashed high-altitude spy drone, Case with four vials of deadly truth serum
PlacesAtop a panopticon tower with a nest of cameras above your head, Surveillance control center with huge banks of monitors surrounding a holographic display in the center of the room, Floating towards a top-secret spy satellite, Lying atop a cliff with a pair of high-tech binoculars
RulesAll operations follow the law of the land, Paranoia is life; someone is always listening, All information is sold to the highest bidder, Information wants to be free