
Page values for "World Tags/Post-Scarcity"

World Tags/Post-Scarcity

"WorldTags" values

TagTypeLopop Trade
DescriptionThe locals have maintained sufficient Mandate-era tech to be effectively post-scarcity in their economic structure. Everyone has all the necessities and most of the desires they can imagine. Conflict now exists over the apportionment of services and terrestrial space, since anything else can be had in abundance. Military goods and items of mass destruction may still be restricted, and there is probably some reason that the locals do not export their vast wealth.
EnemiesFrenzied ideologue fighting over an idea, Paranoid local fearing offworlder influence, Grim reformer seeking the destruction of the “enfeebling” productive tech
FriendsOffworlder seeking something available only here, Local struggling to maintain the production tech, Native missionary seeking to bring abundance to other worlds
ComplicationsThe tech causes serious side-effects on those who take advantage of it, The tech is breaking down, The population is growing too large, The tech produces only certain things in abundance
ThingsA cornucopia device, A rare commodity that cannot be duplicated, Contract for services
PlacesTiny but richly-appointed private quarters, Market for services, Hushed non-duped art salon