
World Tags

From Gulf of Fallen Stars

Revision as of 12:38, 29 May 2020 by Dice adm (talk | contribs) (X)


Main > Rules > World Statistics > World Tags > World Tags
This menace may not take the form of shambling corpses, but some disease, alien artifact, or crazed local practice produces men and women with habits similar to those of murderous cannibal undead. These outbreaks may be regular elements in local society, either provoked by some malevolent creators or the consequence of some local condition.
Who might be encountered who opposes the group
  • Soulless maltech biotechnology cult
  • Sinister governmental agent
  • Crazed zombie cultist
Who might offer the group services or missions
  • Survivor of an outbreak
  • Doctor searching for a cure
  • Rebel against the secret malefactors
  • Complications:
    How might the situation on the world be more complicated
  • The zombies retain human intelligence
  • The zombies can be cured
  • The process is voluntary among devotees
  • The condition is infectious
  • Things:
    What items might be found on the world
  • Cure for the condition
  • Alien artifact that causes it
  • Details of the cult’s conversion process
  • Places:
    What locations might be found on the world
  • House with boarded-up windows
  • Dead city
  • Fortified bunker that was overrun from within
  • Tags: Nopop,Lopop