

World Tags

From Gulf of Fallen Stars

Tag Types

  • Nopop: Tags that can go on a world with no population
  • Lopop: Tags that can go on worlds with less than 10 thousand inhabitants
  • Hipop: Tags that require a population of 100 million or more
  • Lotech: Probably TL1 or less
  • Hitech: Should require TL4 or more
  • Ultratech: Should require TL5 or more
  • Alien: The world has or had aliens
  • Politics: Informs the world's politics
  • Regional: This tag has influence on surrounding planets
  • Trade: This tag affects trade
  • War: This world is involved in hostilities
  • Worldtype: Basic terrain

Possible New Tags

  • Dyson Sphere - unlimited energy, population is on a planet either inside or outside the swarm
  • Solar mirrors - world is heated (and possibly powered) by solar mirrors in orbit
  • Unfinished Matrioska brain - unlimited computational power, but how to access it? Either cargo-cult survivors with improvised hydroponics, or outside colonizers in the abandoned structures.
  • Space whales - This system has organized living in the vacuum of space, and possibly locals hunting
  • Generation Ship - This "world" is actually a massive generation ship, which reached its destination only to find it less hospitable than the ship.
  • Belt colony - This world has a thriving industry in a nearby asteroid belt, receiving resources from there, but also a source of political instability

Pages in category "World Tags"

The following 145 pages are in this category, out of 145 total.