
Secret Trade

From Gulf of Fallen Stars

< World TagsWorld Tags/Secret Trade
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Any trade with this world must be conducted secretly with those few local powers aware of the far traders' existence. The rest of the planet may be virulently xenophobic, or overseen by offworld imperialists, or the private economic fief of a different far trader empire. The locals may not even realize that interstellar travel is possible. Those permitted to conduct offworld trade are usually government representatives or secret societies aware of the truth. The construction of significant holdings on such a world can be difficult, with everything conducted through a complex series of local cutouts and native "geniuses" recruited to explain new technology. The governments of such worlds vigorously discourage any attempt to widen a far trader's market.
Who might be encountered while conducting business
  • Government trade official in black
  • UFO enthusiast with a secret landing site
  • Cynical business tycoon
  • Illuminati minion with business connections
Who might be encountered who opposes the group
  • Investigative reporter
  • Business competitor baffled at the new products
  • Rival government saboteur
  • Relentless conspiracy theorist
  • Complications:
    How might the situation on the world be more complicated
  • The locals are convinced that space travel is impossible since the Scream
  • The locals are actually hyper-advanced and extremely isolationist
  • The planet's history gives them good reason to hate and fear offworlders
  • The locals are extremely hard to infiltrate
  • Things:
    What items might be found on the world
  • Slaves comprising people the locals want "disappeared"
  • Government-extracted resources
  • Stealth technology to defeat local scanners
  • Irrefutable evidence of "alien" contact
  • Things:
    What regulations might complicate things
  • Government agents track down and deal with secrecy breaches
  • Government departments duel each other for control of the trade
  • Government prices are decidedly stingy
  • Far traders must bring in certain goods to trade at all
  • Tags: Lopop,Trade