

From Gulf of Fallen Stars

< World TagsWorld Tags/Revanchists
Main > Rules > World Statistics > World Tags > Revanchists
The locals formerly owned another world, or a major nation on the planet formerly owned an additional region of land. Something happened to take away this control or drive out the former rulers, and they’ve never forgotten it. The locals are obsessed with reclaiming their lost lands, and will allow no questions of practicality to interfere with their cause.
Who might be encountered who opposes the group
  • Demagogue whipping the locals on to a hopeless war
  • Politician seeking to use the resentment for their own ends
  • Local convinced the PCs are agents of the “thieving” power
  • Refugee from the land bitterly demanding it be reclaimed
Who might offer the group services or missions
  • Realist local clergy seeking peace
  • Politician trying to calm the public
  • Third-party diplomat trying to stamp out the fire
  • Complications:
    How might the situation on the world be more complicated
  • The revanchists’ claim is completely just and reasonable
  • The land is now occupied entirely by heirs of the conquerors
  • Both sides have seized lands the other thinks are theirs
  • Things:
    What items might be found on the world
  • Stock of vital resource produced by the taken land
  • Relic carried out of it
  • Proof that the land claim is justified or unjustified
  • Places:
    What locations might be found on the world
  • Memorial monument to the loss
  • Cemetery of those who died in the conquest
  • Public ceremony commemorating the disaster
  • Tags: Regional