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Faction Actions

Force Actions

Aggressive Attack

(Force vs Force)

You launch a zealous attack on the enemy, intent on their destruction.

To launch an attack, the attacker selects one or more of their own assets and targets a faction at a specific location. All assets in the location are attacked as a single force.

An attack can be launched against a location, even if the targeted faction is not known to have any units at the location. However, if the targeted faction has no non-hidden units at the location, the attack accomplishes nothing.

Complete Failure: The enemy force is dinged, and your force is defeated.

Failure: The enemy force is damaged, and your force is damaged.

Success: The enemy force is defeated, and your force is damaged.

Complete Success: The enemy force is destroyed, and your force is dinged.

Cautious Attack

(Force vs Force)

You launch a cautious attack on the enemy, more intent on preserving your own strength than necessarily destroying the enemy.

To launch an attack, the attacker selects one or more of their own assets and targets a faction at a specific location. All assets in the location are attacked as a single force.

An attack can be launched against a location, even if the targeted faction is not known to have any units at the location. However, if the targeted faction has no non-hidden units at the location, the attack accomplishes nothing.

Complete Failure: Your force is damaged.

Failure: The enemy force is dinged, and your force is dinged.

Success: The enemy force is damaged, and your force is dinged.

Complete Success: The enemy force is defeated.


(Force vs Force)

Acquire capital, information or items from a location, or capture a unit from that location.

If there is no opposition at the location, you automatically acquire your target (assuming it is there), otherwise resolve the action against the defending force.

Complete Failure: Your force is damaged. You do not acquire your target.

Failure: The enemy force is dinged, and your force is dinged. You do not acquire your target.

Success: The enemy force is dinged, and your force is dinged. You acquire your target.

Complete Success: The enemy force is damaged. You acquire your target.

Sneak Actions


(Straight Sneak)

Hide information, an item, a unit or a lieutenant. As long as the target does not act and is not used, it cannot be seen by other factions, unless they succeed at some kind of information gathering action.

Complete Failure: The thing is not hidden.

Failure: The target gains a hiding level equal to half the Sneak modifier for this action (rounded down). The target must stay at its current location.

Success: The target gains a hiding level equal to the Sneak modifier for this action. The target may be moved to another location.

Complete Success: The target gains a hiding level equal to the Sneak modifier for this action + 3. The target may be moved to another location.


(Sneak vs Sneak)

Acquire capital, information or items from a location, or capture a unit or lieutenant from that location.

Complete Failure: Your force is damaged. You do not acquire your target.

Failure: You do not acquire your target.

Success: You acquire your target.

Complete Success: You acquire your target and the action is automatically stealthy.


(Sneak vs Sneak)

Keep an eye on a unit, lieutenant or location.

Unit/lieutenant: Learn of actions the unit performs and locations it visits (including secret ones).

Location: Learn of units at or visiting the location.

Complete Failure: Surveillance fails. Future attempts to surveil this target with this lieutenant will suffer a -3 penalty.
If you attempted this task stealthily, only a complete success means that the action remains unnoticed.

Failure: Surveillance fails. You may get some minimum of information before the target gives you the slip.

Success: You successfully learn the relevant information about the target.

Complete Success: You successfully learn the relevant information about the target. You either automatically perform the action stealthily, or you gain some extra information (your choice).

Charm Actions


(Charm vs Asset Level)

Acquire a location, item or unit from the open market.

Complete Failure: The thing is unavailable. Half the cost is lost.

Failure: The item is in demand. Pay double price or no item.

Success: Item is acquired at normal price.

Complete Success: Item is acquired at 75% price (rounded down).

An item or unit acquired stealthily is automatically hidden by the purchasing lieutenant (see Conceal action), if placed in a non-secret location. A location acquired stealthily is a secret location.


(Charm vs variable)

Learn information about something (asset, item, dungeon, location, scheme).

Lieutenant: Roll against the lieutenant’s level and sneak.

Unit: If unit has sneak competency roll against its level, otherwise level - 2.

Hidden: If the target is hidden, add its hiding level.

Other: Make a roll against a level depending on the obscurity of the information. Default is level 1.

Usually only the target of the investigation will notice your action. Even this attention can be avoided by performing the action stealthily.

Complete Failure: You learn nothing. If you attempted this task stealthily, only a complete success means that the action remains unnoticed.

Failure: You learn nothing.

Success: You learn the basic information, potentially incomplete (like only some of the items stored at a location).

Complete Success: You learn the complete information, and either gain some additional useful information or perform the action stealthily (your choice).


(Charm vs Charm)

Recruit a unit or lieutenant into your organization. If the unit is a bonded asset, you take a -3 penalty to your attempt. If the unit is a lieutenant, you take another -3 penalty to your attempt, and any failure means that the attempt is noticed.

Complete Failure: Unit is not recruited. Future attempts to recruit this unit will suffer a -3 penalty.
If you attempted this task stealthily, only a complete success means that the action remains unnoticed.

Failure: Attempt fails.

Success: Attempt succeeds at a cost of original purchase cost.

Complete Success: The attempt succeeds at no cost.

Recruited units and lieutenants can join your organization, or stay with the original organization. If it stays with the original organization, that organization can use it, but so can you. Even if the unit or lieutenant is with another organization, you still need to pay upkeep cost.

Recruited lieutenants that stay with their original organization can command appropriate units of the organization, though there is a high chance that this will be noticed.

Sell Item

(Charm vs Asset Level)

Sell something on the open market. The opposition is the capital price of the thing being sold.

Complete Failure: The thing is not sold, and no one seems interested. -2 on future attempts.

Failure: The thing is not sold.

Success: The thing is sold at the normal price.

Complete Success: The things is sold at 125% price (rounded up).

Lore Actions

Research Magic

(Project(8): Lore vs 6)

Research a new magical spell or ritual. The given successes required are for a moderately limited effect. For more effective rituals, the requirements can be much higher.

Complete Failure: No progress in research. Something is needed to enable future progress.

Failure: No progress in research.

Success: One success is accumulated on the project.

Complete Success: Two successes are accumulated on the project.

Other Actions

Move Minion


Move the acting lieutenant and a number of units up to your Cohesion from one locale to one neighboring locale. A realistic amount of items can be carried with them. The movement is one-way and only between two specific locales.

The lieutenant does not need to move, if he desires not to, and may be located in the destination locale.

The units can be taken from any location within the starting locale, and delivered to different locations within the destination locale.

The destination locale can be the same as the starting locale, in which case the selected lieutenant and units simply move between the locations in the locale. In this case, the lieutenant can move a number of units equal to twice your Cohesion rating.

Train Minion

(Project(6): Straight variable)

Train a unit or lieutenant.

Level(Lieutenant): Training a lieutenant to gain one level, requires a different lieutenant of higher level than the current level of the target. Alternatively the lieutenant may be sent away to an outside trainer for a considerable amount of capital. On success, the lieutenant gains one level and raises one statistic by 1.

Level(Unit): Training a unit to gain one level, requires a lieutenant of higher level than the current level of the unit. On success the unit gains one level.

Type(Unit): Training a unit to become a different type, requires a lieutenant of the same or higher level than the unit.

The check is a straight check by the trainer against the statistic that matches the unit’s or lieutenant’s core competency. If a unit is trained to become a different type, it is the new core competency of the unit that is used.

Complete Failure: No progress in training. Something is needed to enable future progress.

Failure: No progress in training.

Success: One success is accumulated on the project.

Complete Success: Two successes are accumulated on the project.

Keep in mind that a more competent unit or lieutenant may require a higher upkeep.



Send out units to perform work. All units commanded by the lieutenant must possess the same competency.

You earn an amount of Capital equal to half their level. With Cohesion 3, you could have one lieutenant direct two Thief Packs and an Assassins squad to work. They would earn 7 Capital (4/2 + 4/2 + 6/2).

If you want to be selective about your clientele, the profit of each selective unit drops by half (rounding down the final total). If, in the previous example, you want to be selective in who you hire your Assassins to, you would instead earn 5 Capital (4/2 + 4/2 + 6/4).

Depending on the locale, the GM might decide that profits are lower or even non-existent. Hiring out a guild wizard in a locale of small hamlets isn't going to earn much, and hiring out a sage in the howling wilderness is going to earn you nothing.

Stance Actions

These actions carry over from round to round, and interrupt other factions' actions.


(Sneak vs Sneak)

The lieutenant and any forces assigned to him set up in an ambush, preventing movement through the area. Declare which factions the lieutenant will attack, and whether the attack will be Aggressive or Cautious.

If any force from that faction enters the location, roll Sneak vs Sneak.

Complete Failure: Your ambush is spotted, and the opposing faction gets the choice between attacking with a +2 bonus, or circumventing the ambush continuing their movement.

Failure: Your ambush is spotted, and the opposing faction gets the choice between attacking or not attacking (though they must still stop).

Success: Your forces ambush the opposing force using the chosen strategy. The attacking force must stop.

Complete Success: Your forces ambush the opposing force using the chosen strategy and a +2 bonus. The attacking force must stop.

If the opposing faction get the chance to attack, they decide whether the attack is Aggressive or Cautious.

Block Route

(Sneak vs Sneak)

The lieutenant and any forces assigned to him set up to block movement through the area. Declare which factions the lieutenant will block.

If any force from that faction enters the location, roll Force vs Sneak.

Complete Failure: The opposing faction can choose whether to attack your force or to bypass your position unnoticed.

Failure: The opposing faction can choose whether to attack your force or to bypass your position, though you will be informed.

Success: Your forces block the opposing force, stopping their movement. The opposing faction can choose whether to attack your force, but must end their movement regardless.

Complete Success: Your forces block the opposing force, stopping their movement. The opposing faction can choose whether to attack your force, but must end their movement regardless. You will get +2 on your roll if they choose to attack.

If the opposing faction get the chance to attack, they decide whether the attack is Aggressive or Cautious.

Influence Actions

Gain Influence

(Straight Charm)

Gain influence with an NPC faction.

Complete Failure: Diplomatic catastrophe. -2 penalty to future attempts to gain influence, and -3 influence if you already have influence with the faction.
The influence cost for discrete influence is raised by 1. If you attempted this task stealthily, only a complete success means that the action remains unnoticed.

Failure: If nobody (yourself included) has any influence, then +1 influence. Otherwise no influence.

Success: Gain 2 influence with the faction.

Complete Success: Gain 4 influence with the faction.


(Straight Charm)

Convince an NPC faction to join your side.

Complete Failure: Diplomatic catastrophe. -2 penalty to faction actions with this faction until you succeed at an Influence action.
Lose 3 influence if you already have influence with the faction.
The influence cost for discrete influence is raised by 1. If you attempted this task stealthily, only a complete success means that the action remains unnoticed.

Failure: Faction does not agree to ally.

Success: Pay 20 influence. The faction allies with you.

Complete Success: Pay 10 influence. The faction allies with you.

An NPC faction can be allied to multiple other factions, but where different faction’s goals conflict, it will aid the faction that has the highest influence with it.

While allied, you also receive a +3 bonus to Claim and Rally actions with the faction.


(Straight Charm)

Target one NPC faction, and one asset not owned by you. The NPC faction will see you as the rightful owner.

Complete Failure: Faction now supports current owner’s claim. If the asset does not have an owner, it will support the claim of a faction that is not you. If no faction has tried to claim the asset, the NPC faction will claim the asset.
-2 penalty to faction actions with this faction until you succeed at an Influence action.
Lose 3 influence if you already have influence with the faction.
The influence cost for discrete influence is raised by 1. If you attempted this task stealthily, only a complete success means that the action remains unnoticed.

Failure: Faction does not support your claim.

Success: Pay 5 influence or capital. The faction supports your claim.

Complete Success: Faction enthusiastically supports your claim. Pay 1 influence or capital.


(Straight Charm)

Convince an NPC faction to attack another faction.

Complete Failure: Diplomatic catastrophe. -2 penalty to faction actions with this faction until you succeed at an Influence action.
Lose 3 influence if you already have influence with the faction.
The influence cost for discrete influence is raised by 1. If you attempted this task stealthily, only a complete success means that the action remains unnoticed.

Failure: You do not successfully rally the faction.

Success: Pay 10 influence or capital. The faction makes a limited attack against the target faction.

Complete Success: Pay 5 influence or capital. The faction makes a concerted attack against the target faction.

faction_actions.txt · Last modified: 2020/05/17 20:58 by dice_adm