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Faction Turn

Step 1: Income from static assets

Gain income from any asset that provides static income.

Step 2: Instruct Lieutenants

Give each lieutenant an action to perform.

Step 3: Assign Units

Assign units to the lieutenants. No lieutenant can command more units than the faction’s Cohesion rating.

Step 4: Perform Actions

Handle each action in turn. Gains from an early action can be used for another action, but this must be pre-planned (with backup plan in case the gain is not made). It must also be decided beforehand whether, if an action incurs additional costs, the cost should be paid.

Step 6: Upkeep

Pay out upkeep in capital and reach. If capital falls short, any unpaid asset will leave your organization. If reach falls short, some assets will leave your organization as determined by the GM.

Step 7: Interpretation

At the end of each faction turn, the GM should translate the turn’s events into a few lines of rumor or news that can be related to the PCs.

Task Resolution

When performing an action, 2d6 are rolled, and a modifier is added and subtracted. The result of the roll decides the success:

Die roll Result
3 or less Complete Failure
4-6 Failure
7-9 Success
10 or more Complete Success

The base modifier is (lieutenant’s level + rating) – (opposition’s level + rating). So in an attack action, a level 2 lieutenant with +2 Fight, against a level 1 opposition with +1 Fight, would get a ( (2 + 2) – (1-1) ) = +2 modifier to her roll.

Units aiding the lieutenant effectively increase the lieutenant’s level. A unit can only aid a lieutenant in an action, if the unit has the relevant Competency for the task being performed.

Units can defend against an action with their level, if they possess the relevant Competency and are at the location targeted. Lieutenants at the target location get to add their level and relevant statistic.

When acting together as a force two assets = level + 2, four = level + 4, eight = level +6 and so on for each doubling. So three level 3 units and a level 3 lieutenant count as a combined of level 7. Units must be of the same level or within 1 level of each other to combine in this way. Units within 1 level of each other combine as if though they all have the lower level. So two level 2 units, a level 3 units and a level 3 lieutenant count as a combined of level 6 (2 for the lowest level + 4 for the amount of units).

Lower units can combine for an effective higher level, so they can in turn combine with higher level units. So two level 1 units can combine to be an effective level 3, which can then combine with a level 3 lieutenant for a final effective level of 5. Remember that you are limited by your faction’s cohesion.

# Units Level increase Other Combinations Total Level Calculation
2 +2 1. + 2. 3. 1. + 1. = 1. + 2 = 3.
3 +3 2. + 3. 4. 2. + 2. = 2. + 2 = 4.
4 +4 3. + 4. 5. 3. + 3. = 3. + 2 = 5.
5 +4 1. + 3. 3. 1. is not within 1 of 3., so does not combine
6 +5 1. + 1. + 3. 5. (1. + 1.) + 3. = 3. + 3. = 5.
7 +5 1. + 1. + 2. 4. (1. + 1.) + 2. = 3. + 2. = 4.
8 +6 1. + 2. + 3. 5. (1. + 2.) + 3. = 3. + 3. = 5.

Straight Check

A straight check means that you do not add the lieutenant’s level, and there are no opposition. Simply roll 2d6 + lieutenant’s rating to get the result. So in an influence action, a lieutenant with +2 Charm would roll 2d6+2 and compare the result to the Task Resolution table.

Custom Modifiers

You can attempt to stack the deck when performing an action. A decent in-game plan when describing your action may give a bonus, just as an ill-advised action given the in-game circumstances might give a penalty. Performing custom preparatory actions can also tip the scales; such as luring away the city guards using your saboteurs as a distraction, before sending in your thieves for the Steal action. Finally, items can also give bonuses. If you have stolen the uniforms of the army you are going to infiltrate, it might give your spies a bonus if they use them.


Some actions are not one and done checks. These actions require continued attention over multiple turns, until a number of successes are scored. The number of successes needed is listed by the action. Some actions may be put on hold with no negative effect, while others must be carried on to the end in one stretch.

Stealthy Actions

Many actions can be attempted stealthily. In this case a straight sneak attempt is made, but whether or not the stealth check is successful, the original task suffers a -3 penalty.

To stay unnoticed: Ally, Build/Purchase, Claim, Influence, Investigate, Purchase Units, Rally, (Recruit), Sell, Surveil, Train
To stay unidentified: Attack, Raid, (Recruit), Steal
Actions that are always unnoticed: Conceal

Minion Movement

When a lieutenant performs an action, the lieutenant and any units supporting it may move freely inside the locale in which they are located (though within the limits of the fiction). After the action has been finished the minions can end the action in different locations than they started.

An action can only be performed inside the locale that the acting lieutenant is located in, and can only be supported by units in that locale.

A lieutenant at the main hideout can be supported by a guard squad from the barracks and a guard squad from the keep, to attack town hall. Once the action is done both guard squads could end their turn at the barracks, and the lieutenant could end at the wizard's tower. However, the lieutenant could not end at the wizard's tower if they wizard faction is unwilling to let her in.

To move further than within the locale, the Move Minion action can be taken. The Move Minion action can also be used to freely move all units within a location (up to your Cohesion rating).


You can gain influence with NPC factions by using the Influence faction. However, this is still subject to common sense (a king will not support the nobles’ rebel faction).

The influence can be spent to get a bonus to actions involving that faction, or to pay for certain actions (such as Ally and Claim).

Discrete Influence

When performing the Ally, Claim, Influence or Rally action on an NPC faction, other factions that have influence with the faction will learn of your attempt, unless you pay 1 influence. Everyone else will learn, unless you pay 0 influence (I.E. usually they won’t).

When influencing a faction in which you have no influence, these prices are raised by 1.

Instead of paying influence to stay unnoticed, you can perform the action stealthily as outlined above.

faction_turn.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/03 09:37 by dice_adm