Table of Contents

Faction Assets

Types of Assets

  • Divine: Can only be acquired through their church or other representative of their deity.
  • Network: A distributed group of people, hard to attack in one swoop.
  • Service: Noncombatant person or group, usually retained for a special service provided.
  • Magic: Capable of using magic.
  • Squad: A closely knit person or group that can be used for attack and defense.


Some units can be improved with skill upgrades. These upgrades are applied when the unit is purchased.

Name Prerequisites Additional
Loyal GM Approval - Special Upkeep changes from Capital to Respect
Master/Veteran Consisists of level 1 individuals +2c +1c Upgraded to level 3, increasing unit level by +2

Arcana Abilities

Even when a unit is limited to picking abilities from a specific sphere, they can always pick abilities from the General sphere.


Name Sphere Cost Upkeep Effect
Blast Destruction 1c - Gain the Fight competency
Blast Trap Destruction 2c - *, Damage attacking units when on defense
Demolition Destruction 2c - *, Can damage and destroy facilities
Destructive Blast Destruction 2c - Deal extra damage on attack or defense
Energy Wall Destruction 2c - *, +2 level when defending with Fight
Explosive Blast Destruction 2c - *, +2 level when fighting against groups

Blast: The unit can sling destructive blasts, capable of damaging other units.
The unit gains the Fight competency.

Blast Trap: The unit can place energy mines, to be triggered latter by enemies.
When enemies use Fight to attack the location of the unit, one enemy unit chosen by the opponent is Damaged (in addition to any other damage it might suffer).

Demolition: When included in an Aggressive Attack or Cautious Attack action, facilities in the target location will be damaged or destroyed just like units on the opposing side.

Destructive Blast: When the caster is involved in an action or a defense which causes damage to the opposition, one enemy unit chosen by the opponent is Damaged (in addition to any other damage it might suffer).

Energy Wall: The unit is capable of putting up walls of fire or frost to block enemy advance.
Add +2 to the unit's level when using Fight competency to defend.

Explosive Blast: The unit's blasts are able to affect larger areas.
Add +2 to the unit's level when using Fight competency and fighting at least 5 opponents.


Name Sphere Cost Upkeep Effect
Augury Divination 1c - *, Help defend a single location

Augury: When purchasing the ability, or moving the caster to a new locale, pick one location in the locale. Add +1 to defense against all actions against that location. This location can be changed for free at the beginning of your action phase.


Name Sphere Cost Upkeep Effect
Diversion Illusion 2c - *, Plant false information about action

Diversion: When the caster is involved in an action, make a Straight Lore check using the caster's level instead of the lieutenant's Lore. On any success, you can choose one piece of false information when others are informed of the action. On any failure, it becomes apparent that illusions were involved, and others are told what you were trying to do.