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Faction Assets

Types of Assets

  • Divine: Can only be acquired through their church or other representative of their deity.
  • Network: A distributed group of people, hard to attack in one swoop.
  • Service: Noncombatant person or group, usually retained for a special service provided.
  • Magic: Capable of using magic.
  • Squad: A closely knit person or group that can be used for attack and defense.


Some units can be improved with skill upgrades. These upgrades are applied when the unit is purchased.

Name Prerequisites Additional
Loyal GM Approval - Special Upkeep changes from Capital to Respect
Master/Veteran Consisists of level 1 individuals +2c +1c Upgraded to level 3, increasing unit level by +2


Name Type Level Competencies Cost Upkeep Special
Pair of Acolytes Divine, Squad 1 Lore 4 inf 1r Can learn 1 Divine Ability
Guild Mage Adept Squad 0 Lore 8c 1c *, Can learn 2 Arcana Abilities
Guild Mage Squad 2 Lore 12c 2c *, Can learn 3 Arcana Abilities
Hedgemage Adept Squad 0 Lore 4c 1c Can learn 1 Arcana Ability
Hedgemage Squad 2 Lore 8c 1c Can learn 2 Arcana Abilities
Priest Divine, Squad 2 Lore 8 inf 2r Can learn 2 Divine Abilities
Sage Service 2 Lore 4c 1c +2 on Research Lore action
War Mage Squad Squad 5 Fight, Lore 16c 3c *, Can learn 2 Arcana Abilities

Guild Mage: Choose one sphere if level 1-3 or two spheres if level 4-6. The guild wizard can only learn abilities from those spheres and the General sphere.
Adept: Can learn 2 Arcana Abilities. Consists of a level 1 guild wizard.
Guild Mage: Can learn 3 Arcana Abilities. Consists of a level 3 guild wizard.

Adept: Can learn 1 Arcana Ability. Consists of a level 1 hedgemage.
Hedgemage: Can learn 2 Arcana Abilities. Consists of a level 3 hedgemage.

Pair of Acolyte: Can learn 1 Divine Ability.
Must be recruited a church. Their miracles will depend on their deity.
Consists of 2 level 1 priests.

Priest: Can learn 2 Divine Abilities.
Must be recruited a church. His miracles will depend on his deity.
Consists of a level 3 priest.

Sage: +2 on Research Lore action.
Consists of a level 3 expert.

War Mage Squad: Possesses the Blast ability and can learn more 2 Arcana Abilities from the Destruction sphere and the General sphere.
Consists of 3 level 3 guild wizards.

lore_assets.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/03 10:13 by dice_adm