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From Gulf of Fallen Stars

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{{BreadCrumbs|Rules,World Statistics}}
== W ==
|Description=The world is plagued by warlords. Numerous powerful men and women control private armies sufficiently strong to cow whatever local government may exist. On the lands they claim, their word is law. Most spend their time oppressing their own subjects and murderously pillaging those of their neighbors. Most like to wrap themselves in the mantle of ideology, religious fervor, or an ostensibly legitimate right to rule.
|Enemies=Warlord, Avaricious lieutenant, Expensive assassin, Aspiring minion
|Friends=Vengeful commoner, Government military officer, Humanitarian aid official, Village priest
|Complications=The warlords are willing to cooperate to fight mutual threats, The warlords favor specific religions or races over others, The warlords are using substantially more sophisticated tech than others, Some of the warlords are better rulers than the government
|Things=Weapons cache, Buried plunder, A warlord’s personal battle harness, Captured merchant shipping
|Places=Gory battlefield, Burnt-out village, Barbaric warlord palace, Squalid refugee camp
== X ==
|Description=The natives of this world are fast friends with a particular alien race. The aliens may have saved the planet at some point in the past, or awed the locals with superior tech or impressive cultural qualities. The aliens might even be the ruling class on the planet.
|Enemies=Offworld xenophobe, Suspicious alien leader, Xenocultural imperialist
|Friends=Benevolent alien, Native malcontent, Gone-native offworlder
|Complications=The enthusiasm is due to alien psionics or tech, The enthusiasm is based on a lie, The aliens strongly dislike their “groupies”, The aliens feel obliged to rule humanity for its own good, Humans badly misunderstand the aliens
|Things=Hybrid alien-human tech, Exotic alien crafts, Sophisticated xenolinguistic and xenocultural research data
|Places=Alien district, Alien-influenced human home, Cultural festival celebrating alien artist
<tab name="All"><div style="height:1.6em"></div>
{{#cargo_query:tables=WorldTags|fields=CONCAT('[', LinkName ,' ', Name ,']')
|Description=The natives are intensely averse to dealings with outworlders. Whether through cultural revulsion, fear of tech contamination, or a genuine immunodeficiency, the locals shun foreigners from offworld and refuse to have anything to do with them beyond the bare necessities of contact. Trade may or may not exist on this world, but if it does, it is almost certainly conducted by a caste of untouchables and outcasts.
|order by=Name ASC|limit=300|format=ol|columns=4}}</tab>
|Authorities=Profoundly disgusted bureaucrat, Furtive corporate executive fearing discovery, Official who thinks the PCs have no moral reservations about any work, Desperate local willing to deal with the devil for some vital thing
<tab name="World Types"><div style="height:1.6em"></div>{{#cargo_query:tables=WorldTags|fields=CONCAT('[', LinkName ,' ', Name ,']')|where=TagType HOLDS "Worldtype"
|Enemies=Revulsed local ruler, Native convinced some wrong was done to him, Cynical demagogue, Purity-minded local demagogue, Investigator for "alien influences", Politician seeking to tie his rivals to offworlders, Local who wants to bury his former contracts permanently
|order by=Name ASC|limit=300|format=ol|columns=4}}</tab>
|Friends=Curious native, Exiled former ruler, Local desperately seeking outworlder help
<tab name="Can be unpopulated"><div style="height:1.6em"></div>{{#cargo_query:tables=WorldTags|fields=CONCAT('[', LinkName ,' ', Name ,']')|where=TagType HOLDS "Nopop"
|Complications=The natives are symptomless carriers of a contagious and dangerous disease, The natives are exceptionally vulnerable to offworld diseases, The natives require elaborate purification rituals after speaking to an offworlder or touching them, The local ruler has forbidden any mercantile dealings with outworlders, The locals have been misled by manipulative rulers, The locals blame offworlders for a great disaster, The natives have a deeply alien moral framework, Only the ruling class is xenophobic
|order by=Name ASC|limit=300|format=ol|columns=4}}</tab>
|Things=Jealously-guarded precious relic, Local product under export ban, Esoteric local technology, Store of goods too obviously alien to release to the market, Local specialty kept from outsiders, Cache of goods hidden by a lynched trader, Local treasure of incalculable value to natives
<tab name="Can have 10.000 or less population"><div style="height:1.6em"></div>{{#cargo_query:tables=WorldTags|fields=CONCAT('[', LinkName ,' ', Name ,']')|where=TagType HOLDS "Lopop"
|Places=Sealed treaty port, Public ritual not open to outsiders, Outcaste slum home
|order by=Name ASC|limit=300|format=ol|columns=4}}</tab>
|Regulations=Offworlders are executed on discovery if the mob doesn't get them first, Locals will buy only goods that can be disguised as local wares, The locals view certain wares as being too good for offworlders, All trade must take place under the pretext of tribute and submission.
<tab name="TL 1 or lower"><div style="height:1.6em"></div>{{#cargo_query:tables=WorldTags|fields=CONCAT('[', LinkName ,' ', Name ,']')|where=TagType HOLDS "Lotech"
|order by=Name ASC|limit=300|format=ol|columns=4}}</tab>
<tab name="TL4 or higher"><div style="height:1.6em"></div>{{#cargo_query:tables=WorldTags|fields=CONCAT('[', LinkName ,' ', Name ,']')|where=TagType HOLDS "Hitech"
== Z ==
|order by=Name ASC|limit=300|format=ol|columns=4}}</tab>
<tab name="TL5"><div style="height:1.6em"></div>{{#cargo_query:tables=WorldTags|fields=CONCAT('[', LinkName ,' ', Name ,']')|where=TagType HOLDS "Ultratech"
|order by=Name ASC|limit=300|format=ol|columns=4}}</tab>
|Description=This menace may not take the form of shambling corpses, but some disease, alien artifact, or crazed local practice produces men and women with habits similar to those of murderous cannibal undead. These outbreaks may be regular elements in local society, either provoked by some malevolent creators or the consequence of some local condition.
|Enemies=Soulless maltech biotechnology cult, Sinister governmental agent, Crazed zombie cultist
|Friends=Survivor of an outbreak, Doctor searching for a cure, Rebel against the secret malefactors
|Complications=The zombies retain human intelligence, The zombies can be cured, The process is voluntary among devotees, The condition is infectious
|Things=Cure for the condition, Alien artifact that causes it, Details of the cult’s conversion process
|Places=House with boarded-up windows, Dead city, Fortified bunker that was overrun from within

Latest revision as of 05:08, 7 February 2022

Main > Rules > World Statistics > World Tags

  1. Abandoned Colony
  2. Alien
  3. Alien Ruins
  4. Alpine World
  5. Altered Humanity
  6. Anarchists
  7. Anthropomorphs
  8. Arctic World
  9. Area 51
  10. Artistic
  11. Atropus
  12. Badlands World
  13. Battleground
  14. Beastmasters
  15. Bubble Cities
  16. Cheap Life
  17. Civil War
  18. Closed
  19. Cold War
  20. Colonized Population
  21. Communist
  22. Cultural Power
  23. Cybercommunists
  24. Cyborgs
  25. Cyclical Doom
  26. Deceptive
  27. Derelict Battlemoon
  28. Desert World
  29. Disorganized
  30. Divine Pantheon
  31. Doomed World
  32. Dying
  33. Dying Race
  34. Eugenic Cult
  35. Exchange Consulate
  36. Fallen Hegemon
  37. Fashion
  38. Feral World
  39. Flying Cities
  40. Forbidden Tech
  41. Former Warriors
  42. Fractious
  43. Freak Geology
  44. Freak Weather
  45. Friendly Foe
  46. Fusion
  47. Gold Rush
  48. Great Work
  49. Hatred
  50. Haunted
  51. Heavy Industry
  52. Heavy Mining
  53. Hivemind
  54. Holy War
  55. Honorable
  56. Hostile Biosphere
  57. Hostile Space
  58. Immortals
  59. Jungle World
  60. Kleptocratic
  61. Laissez Faire
  62. Liberal
  63. Local Specialty
  64. Local Tech
  65. Major Spaceyard
  66. Mandarinate
  67. Mandate Base
  68. Maneaters
  69. Megacorps
  70. Mercenaries
  71. Military
  72. Minimal Contact
  73. Misandry
  74. Misogyny
  75. Moon Colony
  76. Nanites
  77. Night World
  78. Nomads
  79. Obsessed
  80. Oceanic World
  81. Opened
  82. Out of Contact
  83. Outpost World
  84. Panopticon
  85. Peaceful
  86. Perimeter Agency
  87. Pilgrimage Site
  88. Pleasure World
  89. Police State
  90. Post-Scarcity
  91. Preceptor Archive
  92. Pretech Cultists
  93. Primitive
  94. Primitive Aliens
  95. Prison Planet
  96. Progressive
  97. Psionics Academy
  98. Psionics Fear
  99. Psionics Worship
  100. Quarantined World
  101. Radioactive World
  102. Recovering
  103. Refugees
  104. Regional Hegemon
  105. Restricted
  106. Restrictive Laws
  107. Revanchists
  108. Revolutionaries
  109. Rigid Culture
  110. Ringworld
  111. Rising Hegemon
  112. Ritual Combat
  113. Robots
  114. Scarcity
  115. Seagoing Cities
  116. Sealed Menace
  117. Secret Masters
  118. Secret Trade
  119. Sectarians
  120. Seismic Instability
  121. Shackled World
  122. Societal Despair
  123. Sole Supplier
  124. Sophisticated
  125. Taboo
  126. Taboo Treasure
  127. Terraform Failure
  128. Theocracy
  129. Thriving
  130. Tomb World
  131. Tourist Attraction
  132. Trade Hub
  133. Tribute
  134. Tyranny
  135. Unbraked AI
  136. Unusual Custom
  137. Urbanized Surface
  138. Usurped
  139. Utopia
  140. Vendor
  141. Violent
  142. Warlords
  143. Xenophiles
  144. Xenophobes
  145. Zombies